Sunday, January 30, 2011

Privacy As a Feature

When shopping for window treatments most people believe that privacy is a given and often take it for granted. They choose to only focus on characteristics such as color and style, forgetting one very essential feature of window treatments. The common misconception they have is that no matter whether you choose a blind, shade, or curtain you will get the privacy you need. This is simply not true and if you would like to get great, customized privacy, you must choose very carefully.

If you are in the market for blinds and would like to get maximum privacy you must choose the feature known as route less slats. These slats, which tilt up or down, have no route system which means there are no open spaces in the blinds. Blinds typically have a routing system which allows for the cord to run through it, often leaving enough space for possible visibility from the outside. To eliminate this possibility and to get the best privacy for your home, you must choose the types of blinds which have these no route slats. The types of privacy blinds which have this important feature are vertical blinds, panel track blinds, mini blinds, faux wood blinds, and wood blinds.

For window shades, there are two features which determine the level of privacy you will have. The first is the opacity of the fabric. Basically the more privacy you require the more opaque you want your shade to be. Consider this when choosing your type of shade fabric. The second feature is a separate privacy liner which you attach to the shade for better privacy. These liners can completely block out outside light and visibility or only partially depending on your needs. Remember to look for these two features when looking for privacy shades. They are found in cellular shades, woven wood shades, and roman shades.

Lastly, we come to curtains. When looking for privacy curtains check the thickness of the fabric and make sure it will not allow visibility from the outside. Some curtains and drapes come in sheer or semi-sheer fabrics which don't offer much privacy. If you want a sheer curtain and still want great privacy then you must pair it with a shade or blind which offers one of the features mentioned above.

Everyone knows what the word privacy means and they often associate it with window treatments such as blinds, shades, or curtains. However, some window treatments really aren't that efficient in the area of providing privacy. Shoppers need to know that great privacy, when deciding between window treatments, is a feature that must be sought out rather than something that is guaranteed. So if you are in the buying process, keep in mind how much privacy you will need because not all window treatments have the necessary features.

Maica have been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his blogs more often for tips and advice that helps people with the interest for cubicle curtain and great passion and knowledge for hospital curtains and all the different options & providers available in the market today. Find out for more info also here

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sheer Curtains: Let The Sunshine In!

There has been a variety of window treatments options over the years. Some of these window treatments have become obsolete and others are quite new. However, sheer curtains is a type of window treatment that has been around in some form or another for at least a couple of centuries and is still going strong. Just what makes sheer curtains a popular window treatment and why does this type of curtain's popularity show no type of waning? Perhaps, this look at the function and versatility of these window curtains will help to answer those questions.

Let There Be Light
At the time when sheer window curtains first appeared on the scene many homes were built with long narrow windows that often left many of the rooms in a home looking dark even during the daylight hours. At this time, few homes were blessed with electric lights and so homeowners had to get as much of their light as possible from the sun. This left them with the option of keeping those heavy drapes pulled back, using no window treatment at all or finding a curtain material that would allow in the sunlight and chase away all the shadows in those dark homes. Sheer curtains were an excellent choice for letting in light.

Today, sheer curtains still let the sun shine in while helping to block the harmful Ultra violet rays. This means your home can be naturally brighter while the curtains still give you a bit of privacy. In fact, sheer curtains are often referred to as privacy curtains because they allow the person inside the home to see out, while blocking the view from the outside in.

Another reason why sheer curtains are so popular and have remained so when other window treatments have passed by the way is because they are so versatile. Sheer curtains come in a variety of colors, shades and styles. Some have designs or appliques while others may have frills or be lacy allowing you to create a vast array of different looks for your windows. In addition, sheer curtains may be used by themselves, with heavier curtains or drapes or with valances to create even more looks.

You can even use two different colored sheer window curtains to add a dramatic effect to a room. Giving the entire room a completely new look. In addition, when compared with other window treatments they are quite inexpensive making them a great choice for people on a budget.

Fhemie have been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his blogs more often for tips and advice that helps people with the interest for cubicle curtain and great passion and knowledge for hospital curtains and all the different options & providers available in the market today. Find out for more info also here

Monday, January 10, 2011

Lined Curtains For Economy and Privacy

Lined curtains fill several different needs in the window curtains arena. First, as many people try to save money on utility bills, lined curtains could be one of the methods to choose.

By using lined curtains, you will find that there will be a significant savings on your electric or gas bill. This will be especially true if you have windows on the east or west side of your home. When the sun comes up during the day, the east side of your home will tend to be hot if you have no window curtains.

Blinds may block out the light with adequate results, but do little to block out the heat generated by the sun. The west side of your home gets the heat when the sun begins to set. Again, blinds may help, but you will see a big difference in the amount of heat generated if you have lined curtains over the blinds.

Window curtains are the finishing touch in any room. They bring color and a decorating flair to the simplest of room decors. If the room is busy with prints, a solid fabric in a focal color choice would bring out the color in the prints around the room.

Lined curtains are as elegant as any other type of window curtains you can find. If you have shear panels underneath, it just adds to the elegance and the subsequent savings on your energy bills. This is especially true during the warmer months of the year.

If you choose to change your curtains seasonally, you will be just as happy with lined curtains for the winter as for the spring and summer. There are lighter fabric curtains to use in the summer that are available in lined varieties.

Heavier fabrics that suit the cooler weather better may seem adequate for protection from the cold, but they really do not complete the job. The only way to truly save is to purchase those heavier fabrics with a lining as well. Your initial cost may be a bit more, but your savings will soon make up for the difference in price.

Curtains are available in designs to suit any other decorating you have done in your home. You can go with a plain contemporary design or the frillier country home or Victorian decors. What it really amounts to is finding the color and patterns that you will enjoy looking at in your home. Lighter, brighter colors will bring a cooler look in the summer and the heavier, vibrant colors will add to the warmth you are searching for in the winter.

Joi have been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his blogs more often for tips and advice that helps people with the interest for cubicle curtain and great passion and knowledge for hospital curtains and all the different options & providers available in the market today. Find out for more info also here